Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Social Media Models vs. Rush Limbaugh and Other Evil-Doers

A recent posting on a friend's Facebook page created a torrent of discussion surrounding Rush Limbaugh's most recent on-air time in syndicated radio, TV and its Internet media spin-offs (video, podcasts, etc.). Limbaugh's most recent remarks include (as they usually do) clear racial, ideological, social and moral injustices and affronts to anyone with a sense of right and wrong and a modicum of intelligence. He is, certainly, difficult to digest. Unfortunately, this indigestibility is also what keeps Limbaugh on the air.

So, the string of Facebook queries and comments wondering why Limbaugh is allowed to continue to make his vicious and  ridiculous diatribe live on the air waves (beyond his obvious right to freedom of speech in this country) got me thinking about the recent revival of social consciousness in the world, the emergence of social media outlets like Facebook, and the obvious conflict of these renewed values and new, equalizing modes of expression in the face of the tried and true financial media model that supports transactional commerce in the Media markets, today.

Let me go on record as stating that I believe emerging social technologies and a revival of social consciousness may present a new way to battle the media model that has kept the Rush Limbaugh's of the world blasting away on the air. However, before tackling the "new," it's probably worth digressing for a minute to understand (at a high level, mind you) how today's media model can support a recognized buffoon and loudmouth with no real becoming qualities to speak of, saving his power to draw listeners/viewers.

Some Facebook posters on this topic are (rightly) outraged and upset, pointing their fingers at the Media captains who allow Limbaugh to remain on the air, suggesting that such a show of  "support" by the networks is indicative of a "stance" - that the Media moguls are in league with Limbaugh, and agree with his perverse, scattered and one-dimensional ideas.

While there may be a Media Mogul or two with sympathy for Rush Limbaugh, I know folks in Programming and Media Marketing, and I can tell you first-hand that they are not driven by any ideology besides that of the all mighty dollar, because their jobs depend on positive cash flow and their bosses (the media moguls) demand positive cash flow. So, I submit that the view of ideological empathy for Rush by the network kings and queens is less likely supportable as cause for his presence on the air waves than the much simpler fact that Limbaugh's audience size is bigger than he is and has a direct correlation to actual and potential advertising and derivative dollars for those media outlets giving him air time.

Let's expand that though just a little with a brief, high-level look at the Media business model.

Audience size and sustainability is at the heart of the financial model for sustaining commerce in the Media Industry. And, audience size and sustainability is driven by the attraction of audience members to a Personality, or set of personalities. (online, we often refer to Personality simply as "content"). Rush Limbaugh is a personality - just like Cher or Barack Obama or the Jonas Brothers, only with different politics and motivations. And, like any true personality (for good or evil), Limbaugh attracts an audience. Because this audience is large, Limbaugh's shows can command premium advertising dollars, which may also result in derivative marketing and merchandising opportunities. Because his personality can command premium advertising and potential derivative dollars, the media companies who syndicate him continue to do so in hopes of growing the associated dollars. All of these cycles are, of course, dependent on Limbaugh maintaining and even growing his following by maintaining his "personality."

If we can accept that audience driven by personality is the core of the media business model, then we can also accept that money, not ideology, is the "stance" of those media moguls supporting the perpetuation of Rush Limbaugh on the air waves. This model is just as applicable to "New Media" industry players as it is to "traditional" Media players.

Overly simplified, Nielsen's Ratings and other surveys and internal reports from linked analytical systems suggest the AUDIENCE SIZE and demographics that any given Personality (show, network or content) commands at a given date and time. Similarly, in Newspapers and Periodical and Trade Publications, "circulation" is the key factor that relates the known audience size and demographics of a Personality (publication) at any given date and time, based on metrics derived from their distribution and sales. For "New Media," because most of the communications, commerce and transactions occur in an online format where "data" is readily tracked and monitored, web analytics and integrated data reporting systems provide even more information on a personality's audience than in traditional media formats. This data is literally spun into gold (and silver or bronze, too, if the audience size and demographics are not large enough or sustainable).

So, online, offline or both, it is the SIZE OF A PERSONALITY'S AUDIENCE, with consideration for local vs. global distribution and demographics, that drives that media company's rate for advertising during its broadcast or in its pages (I won't get into complexities of pricing). Consequently, it is advertising dollars and their potential derivative dollars from branding and partnering models (co-branding, spin-offs, merchandising, etc.) that allow the media company to pay for the development of new shows/publications/content for that "personality" and its supporting equipment, promotion and staff members.


This result is no different for New Media companies that operate web properties, or for the traditional companies that have extended their reach by moving into the online world. So, again overly simplified, if the media model is really just the perpetuation and exploitation of a personality's audience, the advertising and derivative dollars it can command, and the ongoing investment required for building and sustaining said personality, audience and advertising/merchandising cycles, then, we might agree that the place to point fingers is not really the media companies, themselves; but, instead, at both the advertisers and the listeners/viewers, each of whom is perpetuating the life-cycle of a personality.

Of course, the question you may ask is "How do you change a centuries old model, let alone the habits of people with individualized tastes for entertainment?" Advertisers want the biggest bang for their buck, so they'll want their dollars spent in ways that ensure their message reaches the largest audiences containing the right demographic profiles. And, perhaps even more difficult to address are the listeners/viewers, who are more entertained by controversial personalities than by boring ones. In fact, I'd bet that the majority of Limbaugh's "fan base" actually consists of listeners/viewers who "love to hate" him rather than agree with him.

You might also ask, "how, exactly, do Social Consciousness and Social Media fit into this discussion?"

Well, for the most part, while the New Media model is just extending the traditional media model, the power of the Audience may be even greater in an era where social technologies and communities are emerging around every topic and cause, and social responsibility has become en vogue in the global corporate landscape. Just read the pages of recent work by Jeff Javis (What Would Google Do?), for an example of the power of the Internet and the combined force of blogging and social communities who can demand (and receive) a significant change in and bettering of customer service from DELL computers, or create a groundswell of votes that lead to the election of America's first African-American President.

Social Media and Internet technology tools and new business models allow for the immediate creation of cheap and effective platforms for individuals interested in stopping (or at least quieting) the Rush Limbaughs of the world, because they equalize opportunity - providing the ability for one person to command as much attention as the mega corporation with the same online tools and tactics.

What's more, it's now "hip" for a corporation to be socially and environmentally responsible. Typically labeled as Corporate Social Responsibility, most corporations are now public about their "beliefs" and "value systems" regarding communities where they are headquartered or do work, charity organizations they fund or support, and initiatives they are spearheading to make the world a better place. Because many of these Corporate Social Responsibility programs are aligned with or directly sponsor online, private or public social networks, there has never been a better time to bring your issue or cause to light. And, if the company or organization is not sponsoring such a community or effort, now is a great time for you to make a stink that forces them to acquiesce to the "social" norms of corporate behavior in the 21st Century.

By design, social network communities like Facebook and YouTube, "private" social networks driven by corporations and organizations concerned with the "voice of the customer" as a new driver for product development and customer service, and "Free" social networking tools like Ning, Blogger, Wordpress, and others, are "open" forum tools that help you and your organization or community develop searchable, promotable and linkable pages, sites, blogs , videos, etc. for immediate access and availability to anyone who can be interested, influenced or advertised to via the web.

With these tools available to anyone who can access and use a computer, there is no limit to the number of anti-Limbaugh sites, Blogs, videos and other web-based "content" that could be used as "anti-personality matter" in the waging of an online war against his voice and presence in the media. If there's anything the web (and Google) has taught us, it's that THE AGGREGATE VOLUME OF CONTENT COMBINED WITH ITS QUALITATIVE AND UNIQUENESS VALUES AS WELL AS THE AMOUNT OF OTHER UNIQUE CONTENT IT IS LINKED TO, WINS.


More simply, the searchable, indexable web, including the "blogosphere" and, now, even the social media universe, is an ever expanding ocean of ever evolving content. Its also where EVERYONE GOES FOR INFORMATION. Put enough "anti-personality" content into that ocean and people will start to rebel against that personality as a social, online wave. Make your cause into a real online movement (by linking all of the different pages and sites and blogs and videos, etc., together, and continuing to build on it, globally), and you will create a tsunami that begins to influence viewing/listening habits, which will influence media programming and advertising rates, which will influence (read: redirect) advertiser spending, which will silence the lambs (or Limbaughs), if you will.

Is this an educational process? Yes. Is this a marketing process? Yes. Is this a technical development process? Yes. Is this even possible? Yes, with the right spirit and patience, you can do it. Plus, it feels good to get the words into the world!

Good luck, and, as always, let me know what you think!

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